
2015 Daily Reading Plan

Is one of your resolutions for 2015 to read the Bible more often?
Use this topical, weekly reading plan to help you reach your goal. (The link to download the reading plan is at the bottom of this page.) 
Here are some other suggestions to encourage spending more time in scripture: 
1. Set a time each day when you will read, study, and pray.
Make it the same time every day and tell someone that you plan to practice this discipline. Ask that person to hold you accountable to your daily Bible exploration and reflection. You may be a morning person or a night owl—it doesn’t matter when you schedule your devotional time—just get it on your calendar and stick to it.
2. Begin each daily reflection with prayer.
Ask God to open your heart and your eyes to what God wants you to know, understand, and believe.
3. Read carefully and intentionally seek God.
It can be easy to just go through the motions and skim over things you’ve already heard or think you know. Allow yourself to read as if it’s the first time you’ve read each verse—whether it is or not. Read the Bible text with fresh eyes and openness to new discoveries. Discover God in a new way through the lens of these topics.
4. Keep a prayer journal close at hand.
Write out your thoughts in response to the verses in a journal. Let the Spirit speak to you as you take in the meaning of the scriptures and look for ways to live them out.
5. Close as you began—in prayer.
Commit to God a new devotion or zeal for Christ-like living. Offer yourself to God as a living witness of God’s love and grace.
Are you committing to more Bible study in 2015 with your Small Group? Here are some ideas for growing in community together. 
Write a Group Covenant with These Suggested Promises: 
1. Each person should commit to reading the daily reflections and attending a weekly meeting.
2. The group should practice confidentiality.
3. The group should practice care in conversation, making sure each member feels safe to share and explore understandings.
4. The group should respect each member’s time by beginning and ending on time.
Suggested Group Meeting Practice
1. Debrief the Previous Week: Talk about where you saw or experienced God in some way last week.
2. Explore Your Discoveries: Read aloud together each day’s assigned Bible passage(s). Then talk through each one together. How did you understand the meaning of the passage? How did it speak to your life? How will you live differently because of your new discovery?
3. Pray Together: Share prayer requests and name blessings from the week. Pray as a group asking God to guide your study, answer your prayers, and lead you in a life of committed discipleship.
These resources are from the CEB Daily Companion Bible, available from Abingdon Press.