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  • Psalm 19

    Psalm 19

    For the music leader. A psalm of David.

    19 Heaven is declaring God’s glory;
        the sky is proclaiming his handiwork.
    One day gushes the news to the next,
        and one night informs another what needs to be known.
    Of course, there’s no speech, no words—
            their voices can’t be heard—
        but their sound extends throughout the world;
            their words reach the ends of the earth.

    God has made a tent in heaven for the sun.
    The sun is like a groom
        coming out of his honeymoon suite;
        like a warrior, it thrills at running its course.
    It rises in one end of the sky;
        its circuit is complete at the other.
            Nothing escapes its heat.

    The Lord’s Instruction is perfect,
        reviving one’s very being.
    The Lord’s laws are faithful,
        making naive people wise.
    The Lord’s regulations are right,
        gladdening the heart.
    The Lord’s commands are pure,
        giving light to the eyes.
    Honoring the Lord is correct,
        lasting forever.
    The Lord’s judgments are true.
        All of these are righteous!
    10 They are more desirable than gold—
            than tons of pure gold!
        They are sweeter than honey—
            even dripping off the honeycomb!
    11 No doubt about it:
        your servant is enlightened by them;
        there is great reward in keeping them.
    12 But can anyone know
        what they’ve accidentally done wrong?
        Clear me of any unknown sin
    13         and save your servant from willful sins.
            Don’t let them rule me.
    Then I’ll be completely blameless;
        I’ll be innocent of great wrongdoing.

    14 Let the words of my mouth
        and the meditations of my heart
        be pleasing to you,
        Lord, my rock and my redeemer.