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  • Sirach 14

    14 Happy are those
    who haven’t slipped in their speech
        and who haven’t been stabbed
        with pain for their sins.
    Happy are those
    whose spirit hasn’t condemned them,
        and who haven’t given up their hope.

    On wealth

    Wealth isn’t good for a mean person.
        What use is money
        to a begrudging person?
    Those who deny themselves
    collect for others,
        and others will live luxuriously
        with their goods.
    Those who are evil to themselves,
    to whom will they be good?
        They will never enjoy their money.
    There are none worse than those
    who begrudge themselves,
        and this is the payback
        for their wickedness:
        If they do good,
        they do it without being aware,
        and in the end they reveal
        their wickedness.
    The miserly are evil;
        they turn their face away
        and disregard people.
    Those who have greedy eyes
    are never satisfied with their share,
        and evil injustice withers their soul.
    10 Envious people are even begrudging
    when it comes to bread,
        and it’s lacking on their table.

    11 My child, treat yourself well
    according to what you have,
        and bring offerings to the Lord
        that are worthy.
    12 Remember that death won’t delay,
        and the decree of the grave
        hasn’t been shown to you.
    13 Before you die, treat your friends well.
        According to your ability, reach out, and give to them.
    14 Enjoy a good day,
        and don’t let your share
        of a good desire pass you by.
    15 Won’t you end up leaving behind
    to another what you have worked
    so hard for?
        Won’t the things you have toiled for
        end up being divided by lot?
    16 Give, take, and distract yourself,
        because you can’t search for luxury
        in the grave.
    17 All flesh grows old like a garment;
        the ancient decree is,
        “You will certainly die!”
    18 Like a budding leaf on a leafy tree,
        it sheds some and it puts forth others;
        so is a generation of flesh and blood;
        one dies, and another is born.
    19 All deeds decay and cease,
        and those who do them
        will pass away with them.

    Seeking Wisdom brings happiness

    20 Happy are those who meditate
    on Wisdom
        and who reason intelligently.
    21 Those who consider her ways
    in their hearts
        will also reflect on her secrets.
    22 Pursue her like a hunter,
        and lie in wait by her paths.
    23 Those who peer into her windows
        will also listen at her doorways.
    24 Those who lodge near her house
        will also fasten a tent peg in her walls.
    25 They will pitch their tent close at hand
        and will find accommodation
        in a lodging place full of good things.
    26 They will put their children
    under her shelter,
        and will encamp under her branches.
    27 She will shelter them from the heat,
        and they will dwell in her glory.