Matthew 2:17View Full Chapter
17 This fulfilled the word spoken through Jeremiah the prophet:
Matthew 16:14View Full Chapter
14 They replied, “Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, and still others Jeremiah or one of the other prophets.”
Matthew 27:9View Full Chapter
9 This fulfilled the words of Jeremiah the prophet: And I took the thirty pieces of silver, the price for the one whose price had been set by some of the Israelites,
Sirach 49:6View Full Chapter
6 which set fire to Jerusalem, the chosen city, and its sanctuary
and made its streets desolate,
as Jeremiah said.Letter of Jeremiah 1:1View Full Chapter
This is a copy of the letter that Jeremiah sent to those who would be taken as prisoners to Babylon by the Babylonian king. Jeremiah wrote to give them the instructions that God imposed upon him.
God’s exile of Israel into Babylon
1 Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon’s king, will bring you as prisoners to Babylon because of the sins that you committed in the presence of God.
2 Maccabees 2:1View Full Chapter
2 One finds in the records that the prophet Jeremiah commanded those who were deported to take some of the fire, which is the story I’ve just related.
2 Maccabees 2:5View Full Chapter
5 When Jeremiah arrived, he discovered a cave where he deposited the meeting tent, the covenant chest, and the incense altar. He blocked up the opening.
2 Maccabees 2:7View Full Chapter
7 When Jeremiah found out, he rebuked them and said: “The place will remain unknown until God gathers the people together again and shows mercy.
2 Maccabees 15:14View Full Chapter
14 Onias said, “This man is one who loves his brothers and sisters and prays many prayers for the people and the holy city: God’s prophet Jeremiah.”
2 Maccabees 15:15View Full Chapter
15 Jeremiah extended his strong hand and gave to Judas a gold sword, saying,
Jeremiah 1View Full Chapter
1 These are the words of Jeremiah, Hilkiah’s son, who was one of the priests from Anathoth in the land of Benjamin. 2 The Lord’s word came to Jeremiah in the thirteenth year of Judah’s King Josiah, Amon’s son, 3 and throughout the rule of Judah’s King Jehoiakim, Josiah’s son, until the fifth month of the eleventh year of King Zedekiah, Josiah’s son, when the people of Jerusalem were taken into exile.
Call of Jeremiah
4 The Lord’s word came to me:
5 “Before I created you in the womb I knew you;
before you were born I set you apart;
I made you a prophet to the nations.”
6 “Ah, Lord God,” I said, “I don’t know how to speak
because I’m only a child.”
7 The Lord responded,
“Don’t say, ‘I’m only a child.’
Where I send you, you must go;
what I tell you, you must say.
8 Don’t be afraid of them,
because I’m with you to rescue you,”
declares the Lord.
9 Then the Lord stretched out his hand,
touched my mouth, and said to me,
“I’m putting my words in your mouth.
10 This very day I appoint you over nations and empires,
to dig up and pull down,
to destroy and demolish,
to build and plant.”Jeremiah’s mission confirmed
11 The Lord asked me, “What do you see, Jeremiah?”
I said, “A branch of an almond tree.”
12 The Lord then said, “You are right, for I’m watching over my word until it is fulfilled.” 13 The Lord asked me again, “What do you see?”
I said, “A pot boiling over from the north.”
14 The Lord said to me, “Trouble will erupt from the north against the people of this land.”
15 I’m calling for all the tribes of great nations from the north, says the Lord, and they will set up their rulers by the entrances of Jerusalem, on its walls, and in every city of Judah. 16 I will declare my judgment against them for doing evil: for abandoning me, worshipping other gods, and trusting in the works of their hands. 17 But you must prepare for battle and be ready to utter every word I command you. Don’t be frightened before them, or I will frighten you before them. 18 Today I have made you an armed city, an iron pillar, and a bronze wall against the entire land—the kings of Judah, its princes, its priests, and all its people. 19 They will attack you, but they won’t defeat you, because I am with you and will rescue you, declares the Lord.