Library Journal, March 2011
The Common English Bible, likely the largest cross-denominational translation project in recent memory, unites Baptist, Catholic, Evangelical, United Methodist, and numerous other faith traditions in a joint effort to create a complete but broadly accessible Bible for the 21st century. No single translation, despite the…
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Ken Edwards, Belmont UMC, Nashville, TN
I have to admit when I learned that a new translation of the Bible was in the works, I looked up at the shelf of Bibles I’ve accumulated over more than 30 years of ministry and thought, “The last thing I need is another Bible.” And now, months later, I have one CEB Study Bible on my desk at my church office…
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D. Jonathan Watts, Ph.D., Oxford Foundation Fellow, Snead State Community College and author of: Gospeltelling to a Digital Culture: The Forensic Recontruction of a Good Story & The Battle lines of Worship: Finding a Place of Truce and Trust.
I am very impressed with the scholarship and scope of the translation of the CEB. As one who teaches Old and New Testament Survey courses on a college level, I have in the past used the NRSV as the suggested text. I think this translation may speak both understandably and accurately to this current generation of students.
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Paul (Online Reviewer)
I am a fan of the CEB and immediately purchased the CEB Study Bible when it went on sale. The pictures are stunning, the text is clear and readable, and notes seem helpful ... this work is a marvel and different enough from other study bibles that I've seen to warrant purchase by those who already own a study bible or two.…
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Drew Hensley (Online reviewer)
I disagree with anyone saying, as one reviewer did, that this new study Bible offers nothing new. Yes it does! It is every bit as detailed as the major academic study bibles (maybe less so than HarperCollins Study Bible and ESV) but without the detectable biases. The ESV Study Bible, for example, is remarkable for its depth…
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