
“The Common English Bible, likely the largest cross-denominational translation project in recent memory, unites Baptist, Catholic, Evangelical, United Methodist, and numerous other faith traditions in a joint effort to create a complete but broadly accessible Bible for the 21st century. No single translation, despite the breadth of this committee's reach, is likely to please all, but this sincere and diligent effort goes far toward the creation of a plain-English version that, without falling into folksiness or false hipsterism, can be read and understood by a range of ages, educational backgrounds, and aptitudes.”

— Library Journal, March 2011

The scholars involved with the Common English Bible translation represent a unique diversity of denominational backgrounds, gender, and culture.

The CEB thanks all its scholars, contributors, and reading groups for their excellent work in the translation and in the CEB Study Bible notes and articles.

Common English Bible Board of Editors

  1. David L. Petersen

    Old Testament Editor

    Candler School of Theology, Emory University

  2. Joel B. Green

    New Testament Editor

    Fuller Theological Seminary

  3. Elizabeth Caldwell

    Readability Editor

    McCormick Theological Seminary

  4. David A. deSilva

    Apocrypha Editor

    Ashland Theological Seminary

  5. Emerson B. Powery

    Associate Editor for Apocrypha and NT

    Messiah College

  6. Brent A. Strawn

    Old Testament

    Associate Editor

    Candler School of Theology, Emory University

  7. Ted Hiebert

    Old Testament

    Associate Editor

    McCormick Theological Seminary

  8. Cynthia Long Westfall

    New Testament

    Associate Editor

    McMaster Divinity College

  9. Carol A. Wehrheim

    Associate Readability Editor

  10. Paul N. Franklyn

    Associate Publisher and Project Director

  11. Neil M. Alexander

    President and Publisher

Common English Bible Translators

  1. Efrain Agosto

    Hartford Seminary

  2. Bill Arnold

    Asbury Theological Seminary

  3. David Bauer

    Asbury Theological Seminary

  4. Carol M. Bechtel

    Western Theological Seminary

  5. Adele Berlin

    University of Maryland

  6. Bruce C. Birch

    Wesley Seminary

  7. Michael Bird

    Crossway College

  8. Gregory Bloomquist

    St. Paul University

  9. Mark J. Boda

    McMaster Divinity College

  10. Cameron Boyd-Taylor

    Wolfson College

  11. Bill Brosend

    School of Theology, University of the South

  12. William Brown

    Columbia Theological Seminary

  13. Jeannine Brown

    Bethel Seminary

  14. Gary Burge

    Wheaton College

  15. John Byron

    Ashland Theological Seminary

  16. James Charlesworth

    Princeton Theological Seminary

  17. Raymond Collins

    The Catholic University of America

  18. John J. Collins

    Yale University

  19. Sidnie White Crawford

    University of Nebraska

  20. James L. Crenshaw

    Professor Emeritus (Duke University and Vanderbilt University)

  21. N. Clayton Croy

    Trinity Lutheran Seminary

  22. Peter Davids

    St Stephen’s University

  23. Ellen Davis

    Duke Divinity School

  24. Linda Day

    Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

  25. J. Andrew Dearman

    Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

  26. Carol J. Dempsey, O.P.

    University of Portland

  27. David A. deSilva

    Ashland Theological Seminary

  28. Sharyn Dowd

    First Baptist Church

  29. Thomas Dozeman

    United Theological Seminary

  30. David Esterline

    McCormick Theological Seminary

  31. John Fitzgerald

    University of Miami

  32. Mary Foskett

    Wake Forest University

  33. Steve Fowl

    Loyola College in Maryland

  34. Michael Fuller

    Lee University

  35. Roy Gane

    Seventh-Day Adventist Theological Seminary

  36. William Gilders

    Religion Department of Emory University

  37. John Goldingay

    Fuller Theological Seminary

  38. Michael J. Gorman

    St Mary’s Seminary & University

  39. Lester Grabbe

    The University of Hull

  40. Gene Green

    Wheaton College

  41. Joel B. Green

    Fuller Theological Seminary

  42. Daniel J. Harrington, S.J.

    Weston Jesuit School of Theology

  43. Patrick J. Hartin

    Gonzaga University

  44. Daniel Hawk

    Ashland Theological Seminary

  45. Christopher B. Hays

    Fuller Theological Seminary

  46. Richard Hays

    Duke Divinity School

  47. Roy Heller

    Perkins School of Theology

  48. Richard Hess

    Denver Seminary

  49. Theodore Hiebert

    McCormick Theological Seminary

  50. Michael W. Holmes

    Bethel University

  51. Robert Hubbard

    North Park University Theological Seminary

  52. Clayton Jefford

    Saint Meinrad School of Theology

  53. L. Ann Jervis

    Wycliffe College

  54. Andy Johnson

    Nazarene Theological Seminary

  55. Luke Timothy Johnson

    Candler School of Theology

  56. John Kaltner

    Rhodes College

  57. Brad E. Kelle

    Point Loma Nazarene University

  58. Melody D. Knowles

    McCormick Theological Seminary

  59. Craig Koester

    Luther Seminary

  60. Jacqueline Lapsley

    Princeton Theological Seminary

  61. Eunny Lee

    Princeton Theological Seminary

  62. Fredrick J. Long

    Asbury Theological Seminary

  63. Tremper Longman

    Westmont College

  64. Nathan MacDonald

    St Mary’s College, University of St Andrews

  65. J. Clinton McCann

    Eden Theological Seminary

  66. Dan McCartney

    Westminster Theological Seminary

  67. Steven McKenzie

    Rhodes College

  68. Charles Miller

    University of North Dakota

  69. Patrick Miller

    Professor Emeritus (Princeton)

  70. Margaret M. Mitchell

    University of Chicago Divinity School

  71. Guy Nave

    Luther College

  72. Richard Nelson

    Perkins School of Theology

  73. James Nogalski

    Baylor University

  74. Gail R. O’Day

    Candler School of Theology

  75. Margaret Odell

    St Olaf College

  76. Dennis T. Olson

    Princeton Theological Seminary

  77. B.J. Oropeza

    Azusa Pacific University

  78. The Rev. Hugh R. Page, Jr., DMin, PhD

    University of Notre Dame

  79. John Painter

    Charles Sturt University

  80. Leo Perdue

    Brite Divinity School

  81. Pheme Perkins

    Boston College

  82. Tom Phillips

    Point Loma Nazarene University

  83. Anathea Portier- Young

    Duke Divinity School

  84. Emerson B. Powery

    Messiah College

  85. Paul Redditt

    Georgetown College

  86. Carolyn J. Sharp

    Yale Divinity School

  87. Thomas Slater

    McAfee School of Theology

  88. Abraham Smith

    Perkins School of Theology

  89. Marion Soards

    Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

  90. F. Scott Spencer

    Baptist Theological Seminary

  91. Marti J. Steussy

    Christian Theological Seminary

  92. Brent A. Strawn

    Candler School of Theology

  93. Loren Stuckenbruck

    Durham University

  94. Louis Stulman

    University of Findlay

  95. Jerry L. Sumney

    Lexington Theological Seminary

  96. Sarah Tanzer

    McCormick Theological Seminary

  97. Bernard Taylor

    Loma Linda University

  98. Richard Thompson

    Northwest Nazarene University

  99. Mark Throntveit

    Luther Seminary

  100. Patricia K. Tull

    Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

  101. Rob W. Wall

    Seattle Pacific University

  102. Charles A. Wanamaker

    University of Cape Town

  103. Harold Washington

    St Paul School of Theology

  104. Duane F. Watson

    Malone College School of Theology

  105. James W. Watts

    Syracuse University

  106. Cynthia L. Westfall

    McMaster Divinity College

  107. David Salter Williams

    University of Georgia

  108. Walter Wilson

    Candler School of Theology

  109. Benjamin Wright

    Lehigh University

  110. Jacob Wright

    Candler School of Theology

  111. Seung Ai Yang

    Chicago Theological Seminary

The CEB Study Bible Board of Editors

  1. Joel B. Green

    General Editor

    Professor of New Testament Interpretation

    Associate Dean for the Center for Advanced Theological Studies

    Fuller Theological Seminary

    Pasadena, California

  2. Seung Ai Yang

    New Testament Editor

    Associate Professor of New Testament

    Chicago Theological Seminary

    Chicago, Illinois

  3. Mark J. Boda

    Old Testament Editor

    Professor of Old Testament, McMaster Divinity College

    Professor, Faculty of Theology, McMaster University

    Hamilton, Ontario

  4. Mignon R. Jacobs

    Old Testament Editor

    Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament

    Fuller Theological Seminary

    Pasadena, California

  5. Matthew Richard Schlimm

    Old Testament Editor

    Assistant Professor of Old Testament

    University of Dubuque Theological Seminary

    Dubuque, Iowa

  6. Marti J. Steussy

    Apocrypha Editor

    MacAllister-Petticrew Professor of Biblical Interpretation

    Christian Theological Seminary

    Indianapolis, Indiana

  7. Michael S. Stephens

    Project Director

    Nashville, Tennessee

  8. Paul Franklyn

    Associate Publisher

    Nashville, Tennessee

  9. Neil M. Alexander

    President and Publisher

    Nashville, Tennessee

The CEB Study Bible Contributors

  1. Carol M. Bechtel

    Professor of Old Testament

    Western Theological Seminary

    Holland, MI


  2. Alice Ogden Bellis

    Professor of Hebrew Bible

    Howard University School of Divinity

    Washington, D.C.


  3. Bruce C. Birch

    Dean and Professor of Biblical Theology

    Wesley Theological Seminary

    Washington, D.C.

    1 and 2 Samuel

  4. Jeannine K. Brown

    Professor of New Testament

    Bethel Seminary

    St. Paul, MN // San Diego, CA

    1 Peter

  5. Randall D. Chesnutt

    William S. Banowsky Chair in Religion

    Pepperdine University

    Malibu, CA

    Wisdom of Solomon

  6. Stephen L. Cook

    Catherine N. McBurney Professor of Old Testament Language and Literature

    Virginia Theological Seminary

    Alexandria, VA


  7. Catherine A. Cory

    Associate Professor of Theology

    University of St. Thomas

    St. Paul, MN


  8. Sidnie White Crawford

    Willa Cather Professor of Classics

    and Religious Studies

    University of Nebraska

    Lincoln, NE

    Greek Esther

  9. Jerome F. D. Creach

    Robert C. Holland Professor of Old Testament

    Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

    Pittsburgh, PA


  10. N. Clayton Croy

    Professor of New Testament

    Trinity Lutheran Seminary

    Columbus, OH

    3 Maccabees

  11. Linda Day

    Independent Scholar

    Hiram, OH

    Lamentations, Ruth

  12. J. Andrew Dearman

    Professor of Old Testament

    Fuller Theological Seminary

    Pasadena, CA

    Amos, Hosea, Joel, Obadiah

  13. Nancy L. deClaissé-Walford

    Carolyn Ward Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages

    McAfee School of Theology

    Atlanta, GA


  14. Carol J. Dempsey, O.P.

    Professor of Theology (Biblical Studies)

    University of Portland

    Portland, OR

    Malachi, Zechariah, Zephaniah

  15. David A. deSilva

    Trustees’ Distinguished Professor of

    New Testament and Greek

    Ashland Theological Seminary

    2 Esdras, 4 Maccabees, Bel and the Snake, Prayer of Azariah, Sirach, Susanna

  16. David J. Downs

    Associate Professor of New Testament Studies

    Fuller Theological Seminary

    Pasadena, CA

    2 Corinthians

  17. Terence E. Fretheim

    Elva B. Lovell Professor of Old Testament

    Luther Seminary

    St. Paul, MN


  18. Michael E. Fuller

    Professor of Early Judaism and Biblical Studies

    Lee University

    Cleveland, TN

    Letter of Jeremiah

  19. Timothy G. Gombis

    Associate Professor of New Testament

    Grand Rapids Theological Seminary

    Grand Rapids, MI


  20. Michael J. Gorman

    Raymond E. Brown Chair in Biblical Studies and Theology

    St. Mary’s Seminary and University

    Baltimore, MD


  21. Joel B.Green

    Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Associate Dean for the Center for

    Advanced Theological Studies

    Fuller Theological Seminary

    Pasadena, CA

    The Authority of Scripture, Matthew

  22. Daniel J. Harrington, S.J.

    Professor of New Testament

    Boston College School of Theology and


    Boston, MA


  23. Patrick J. Hartin

    Professor of Religious Studies

    Gonzaga University

    Spokane, WA


  24. Suzanne Watts Henderson

    Associate Professor of Religion

    Queens University of Charlotte

    Charlotte, NC


  25. Ronald Herms

    Associate Professor of Early Judaism and

    New Testament

    Northwest University

    Kirkland, WA

    1 Esdras

  26. Theodore Hiebert

    Francis A. McGaw Professor of Old Testament

    McCormick Theological Seminary

    Chicago, IL


  27. Mignon R. Jacobs

    Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible/Old


    Fuller Theological Seminary

    Pasadena, CA


  28. Brad E. Kelle

    Professor of Old Testament

    Point Loma Nazarene University

    San Diego, CA


  29. J. R. Daniel Kirk

    Associate Professor of New Testament

    Fuller Theological Seminary

    Pasadena, CA


  30. Melody D. Knowles

    Vice President of Academic Affairs and

    Associate Professor of Old Testament

    Virginia Theological Seminary

    Alexandria, VA

    1 and 2 Chronicles

  31. Kyong-Jin Lee

    Assistant Professor of Old Testament Studies

    Fuller Theological Seminary

    Pasadena, CA

    Ezra, Nehemiah

  32. Won W. Lee

    Professor of Old Testament

    Calvin College

    Grand Rapids, MI


  33. Nathan MacDonald

    University Lecturer in Hebrew Bible

    University of Cambridge and St John’s College

    Cambridge, UK


  34. Frank J. Matera

    Professor Emeritus

    Catholic University of America

    Washington, D.C.


  35. Gordon Matties

    Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies

    Canadian Mennonite University

    Winnipeg, Manitoba

    1 and 2 Kings

  36. J. Clinton McCann Jr.

    Evangelical Professor of Biblical Interpretation

    Eden Theological Seminary

    St. Louis, MO


  37. J. Ramsey Michaels

    Professor of Religious Studies Emeritus

    Missouri State University

    Springfield, MO


  38. John B. F. Miller

    Professor of Religion

    McMurry University

    Abilene, TX

    1 Maccabees

  39. James D. Nogalski

    Professor of Old Testament Studies

    Baylor University

    Waco, TX

    Habakkuk, Jonah, Micah, Nahum

  40. Dennis T. Olson

    Charles T. Haley Professor of Old Testament Theology

    Princeton Theological Seminary

    Princeton, NJ


  41. Eugene Eung-Chun Park

    Dana and David Dornsife Professor of

    New Testament

    San Francisco Theological Seminary

    San Francisco, CA


  42. Emerson B. Powery

    Professor of Biblical Studies

    Messiah College

    Mechanicsburg, PA

    2 Maccabees, Philemon

  43. Daniel G. Reid

    Senior Editor

    IVP Academic

    Seattle, WA

    How We Got the Bible

  44. Brian D. Russell

    Professor of Biblical Studies

    Asbury Theological Seminary

    Wilmore, KY

    Guidelines for Reading the Bible

  45. Pamela J. Scalise

    Professor of Old Testament

    Fuller Theological Seminary

    Pasadena, CA

    The Bible and Its Chronology

  46. Kenneth Schenck

    Dean and Professor of New Testament

    Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan


    Marion, IN


  47. Love L. Sechrest

    Associate Professor of New Testament

    Fuller Theological Seminary

    Pasadena, CA

    1 and 2 Thessalonians

  48. Anna E. Sieges

    Baylor University

    Waco, TX

    Habakkuk, Jonah, Micah, Nahum

  49. Rebecca Skaggs

    Professor of New Testament, Greek, and


    Patten University

    Oakland, CA

    2 Peter, Jude

  50. F. Scott Spencer

    Professor of New Testament

    Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond

    Richmond, VA


  51. Brent A. Strawn

    Associate Professor of Old Testament

    Candler School of Theology

    Emory University

    Atlanta, GA

    Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs

  52. John T. Strong

    Associate Professor of Religious Studies

    Missouri State University

    Springfield, MO


  53. Louis Stulman

    Professor of Religious Studies

    University of Findlay

    Findlay, OH


  54. Jerry L. Sumney

    Professor of Biblical Studies

    Lexington Theological Seminary

    Lexington, KY


  55. Marianne Meye Thompson

    George Eldon Ladd Professor of New Testament

    Fuller Theological Seminary

    Pasadena, CA

    The Bible’s Unity

  56. Patricia K. Tull

    A. B. Rhodes Professor Emerita of Old Testament

    Louisville Presbyterian Seminary

    Louisville, KY


  57. Richard B. Vinson

    Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Professor of Religion

    Salem College

    Winston-Salem, NC


  58. Robert W. Wall

    The Paul T. Walls Professor of Scripture and Wesleyan Studies

    Seattle Pacific University

    Seattle, WA

    1, 2, and 3 John

  59. Charles A. Wanamaker

    Associate Professor

    Department of Religious Studies

    University of Cape Town

    Cape Town, South Africa

    1 Corinthians

  60. James W. Watts

    Professor of Religion

    Syracuse University

    Syracuse, NY


  61. Rodney A. Werline

    Marie and Leman Barnhill Endowed Chair in Religious Studies

    Barton College

    Wilson, NC

    Prayer of Manasseh, Psalm 151

  62. Cynthia Long Westfall

    Assistant Professor

    McMaster Divinity College

    Hamilton, Ontario

    1 and 2 Timothy, Titus